Plans For This Area

PLEASE WATCH THIS AREA for updates.  As I get farther along with the development of this site there will be study material, consistant with the topic of study, posted in this area.  The first few topics I will choose.  Later, if it appears that this method is fruitful, participants will be allowed to select a topic of particular interest to them.

An outlined, lesson plan that my be printed will be posted for each lesson and I may try to provide some mp3 file lectures.

Also, in the study plan, will be links to websites that provide graphics, maps and other information pertinent to our course of study.  We could even use a common textbook for these studies, but I don't favor the idea much.  That is an additional expense and we could all do that on our own without any collective participation as I have in mind for this study.

Most of you know by now that there is a message board on this website.  It may be used by all for discussion of the topics under study thereby providing opportunity for sharing and asking questions.  As the study progresses, other uses may surface.

At this point this website is pretty private; known only to those to whom I have given the address.  It is my intention to keep it that way for the near future.  It is far from being ready to publish as there is much to add and many things to test with Netscape and IE.

Please, pray about this endeavour and pray for me.  We all know that, "Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it."  Certainly, this applies to any effort of man.  Prayer unlocks God's power in our undertakings and sustains us when we would otherwise tire and become discouraged.  Prayer gives us vision for the course ahead.

In the meantime, let's look at some examples of Old Testament Covenants.   By clicking on covenants you will be able to view the outline of the first three covenants of The Old Testament. At the bottom of the Universal Convenant's page, you will be able to proceed to the Theocratic Covenants.

Thank you for reading this.

Jerry Ginther